What is Iridology ?
The science of Iridology is based on the analogy of one of the most complicated tissue structure of the body-the iris!!
It has been used for interpretation of the state of the body’s organs for thousands of years. This study has come to the forefront by Dr, Bernard Jensen.
The iris is a nerve center of the body. The nervous system, which connects all tissues in the body is transmitted to the iris via the optic nerve. Tissues reflex responses are then transmitted to the iris fibers where they alter the depth, color and shape of these fibers. This creates signs or ocular biomarkers in the irises. This allows an iridologist to view the quality of each organ and tissue throughout the body.
It is only in this practice that one can see acute, sub acute, chronic and degenerate stages of the body.
The eye is not a blank slate at birth. The iris displays marks in specific sectors which relate to the body organ or system represented by that precise spot in the iris. The iris can provide you with a genetic road map! Essentially, an instruction manual!! Once you understand what your/child iris reveals, you have the ability to narrate the rest of your story!!
History of Iridology
“Studying the eye to discover what might be happening inside the human body is not a new idea; Egyptians, cave dwellers and American Indians have all left us part of the puzzle concerning the importance of the eye as a “window” into the body. In Luke 11:33 (remember that Luke was the physician in the Bible), Jesus says, “Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is sound, your whole body is full of light:but when it is not sound, your body is full of darkness.” What if God provided us with a way to decipher our genetic patterns, showing us what needs to be built up in the body and what might need subduing? What if we could discover this information before the issues manifest in the physical?” Betty S. O’Brian
The first explicit description of Iridology analysis principles are found in Chiromatica Medica, a famous work published in 1665 and reprinted in 1670 and 1691 by Philippus Meyeus. The first known use of the word Augendiagnostik 'eye diagnosis', (loosely translated as iridology analysis) began with Ignatz von Péczely, a 19th-century Hungarian physician.
The German contribution in the field of iridology and natural healing is due to a minister Pastor Felke, who developed a form of homeopathy for treating specific illnesses and described new iris signs in the early 1900s.
The Felke Institute in Gerlingen, Germany was established as a leading center of Iridology research and training.
Iridology Pioneer Dr. Bernard Jenson became better known in North America in the 1950s, when Dr. Bernard Jensen began giving classes in his own iridology methods. Dr. Jensen insisted on the importance of the body's exposure to toxins and use of natural foods as detoxifiers. Dr. Jensen touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients, students and practitioners around the world.
His work in Nutrition, Iridology Analysis and Health is legendary and Dr. Jensen's teachings are seriously embraced by people of all walks of life.

Iridology Chart
Developed by Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C.
This shows the areas in the iris that correspond to the various organs and systems of your body.